Rainbow Serpent Oil

Rainbow Serpent Oil
For activating sacred visions into reality.
For dressing your fixed candles.
For anointing ritual objects.
For blessing your body.
Rainbow Serpent is a powerful magnet for creative inspiration & mastery, activating us into divine timelines & relationships, integrating duality, and calling in protection from the celestial realms. Rainbow Serpent embodies both the “masculine” and “feminine” energies of creation. It’s for riding the cosmic rainbow. And it smells good too!
Rainbow Serpent Oil is a blend given to me by the celestial spirits of creation with whom I work with, but you do not need to have a strong spiritual practice to use this oil. If you do have a foundational spiritual practice, some suggestions of energies to pair with include: Ayida-Weddo, Oshumare, Kundalini, Quetzalcoatl, Borlung.
100% natural. Formulated with real snake skin, gemstones, herbs and flowers, essential oils, and gold dust. Ritual oils are made in micro-batches and have a shelf life of up to one year.
For external use only. Shake well before each use.