Heal The Earth Candle

Heal The Earth Candle
For expanding the heart space
For seeding, growing, and revitalizing
For cultivating long-lasting fulfillment
For strengthening the body, home, finances, and other foundations
You are part of a glorious story.
When the earth heals, you heal. Our soul bodies as well as our physical bodies are luminously intertwined with our home planet. When we feel the deep grief of living within an age of immense ecological destruction we have the option of becoming alive, or becoming numb to the ache.
While beetles are busy making love on the soil and hummingbirds are trading nectar for long kisses with flowers, we need not to abandon hope and give in to despair.
Let the Heal The Earth candle light your way towards connecting to the heart of the earth. Send your prayers for healing across the land as you recommit to protecting and stewarding our beloved home planet – and watch the tides turn.
Glass is screen-printed by hand.
Includes a healing prayer to the earth to be used in your candle magic.