In my youth, amidst the hustle of NYC and the shadows of burnout and depression, I found solace in the forest. As a descendant of the Afro-Taino Cimarrónes of the Bahoruco Mountains, my soul was irresistibly drawn to the wild. Nature became my teacher, guiding me to forage for medicine and rejuvenate my spirit.
Born out of respect for ancient traditions, a questioning of present models, and a wild imagination for the future, Botánica Cimarrón emerged. Growing up in a poor immigrant family in NYC, I rarely felt fully seen or cared for within the medical system. I leaned into the traditional healing methods from my mother and grandmother, combined with my innate connection to plants and the spirit world, to heal complex trauma on both a cellular and spiritual level.
After 10+ years of intensive herbalism study, spiritual ceremonies, community organizing, urban foraging, queer birthwork, and creative explorations, I launched Botánica Cimarrón in 2020. We offer expertly formulated plant medicine and authentically crafted spiritual tools that are powerful, ethically sourced, effective, and lovingly handcrafted. Our products are designed to seamlessly integrate holistic support from the wisdom of nature into your daily life, whether you're navigating the city or exploring the wild.
Star Feliz

✦ Afro-Taino Caribbean Herbalism & Western Herbalism Traditions
✦ Earth Ritual, Ancestral Ceremony, Spirit Travel
✦ Birth, Post-partum, Abortion support
✦ Trauma Informed
✦ Gender Expansive
✦ Harm Reduction
Certificate Trainings & Mentorships
[Ongoing] Ancestral & Plant Spirit initiated medicine
[2011] Permaculture Farm Intern at Rolling River Organic Farm & Tree Nursery
[2017] Certified Full Spectrum Community Doula with Ancient Song Doula Services
[2019] Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine QTBIPOC scholarship recipient
[2020] Certified Wilderness Medicine First Responder with NOLS
[2020] Starlight Express: Decolonial Akashic Mentorship with Ancient Pocket
[2021] Wild Ginger Herbal Center Community Herbalism Program
[2021] Reiki Level 1 & 2 Attunement with Madre Jaguar
[2022] Advanced Clinical Skills Program with Ember Peters, Vilde Chaya Fenster-Ehrlich, and Stascha Stahl